
Scalable, secure, and innovative AWS development services


Celebrate the endless possibilities of cloud technology with our AWS development services. In today's fast-paced digital landscape, your business's growth and success depend on the right technological infrastructure. Our AWS development services are your gateway to unparalleled scalability, security, and innovation. Whether you're a startup aiming for rapid expansion, an established enterprise needing robust cloud solutions, or an SME striving for efficiency, our team of AWS experts is here to craft tailored solutions that elevate your digital presence. Let us be your trusted AWS application development services company, harnessing the full power of Amazon Web Services, setting you on the path to a future of limitless growth and innovation.

Scalability is at the heart of every thriving business, and with our AWS development services, you're equipped with the tools to scale without limits. We understand that the needs of your business can change at a moment's notice, and that's why we've designed our AWS solutions to grow seamlessly with you. Whether you're experiencing rapid expansion, a surge in online traffic, or evolving your applications, our AWS development services provide the elasticity to adapt to your evolving demands. Our commitment to scalability ensures that technological constraints never hold your business back.

Security is paramount in today's digital age, and we take the responsibility of safeguarding your data and operations with the utmost seriousness. With our AWS development services, your business benefits from top-tier security measures and compliance standards. Our experts implement industry best practices to protect your assets, mitigating risks and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your critical data. Trust is the cornerstone of our services, and we uphold that trust through our unwavering commitment to security.

Innovation is the driving force behind progress, and we believe that it should be an integral part of your business journey. When you’re looking to outsource AWS development services, our services encourage and enable innovation at every turn. We provide the tools and expertise to explore the latest AWS technologies, build cutting-edge solutions, and stay ahead of the competition. Our team thrives on pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AWS, and we're excited to embark on this journey of innovation with you.

Unlocking the benefits of AWS development services

  • Scalability beyond limits

    One of the standout advantages of AWS is its unmatched scalability. With AWS, your business can effortlessly adapt to fluctuations in demand, whether you’re experiencing rapid growth, a surge in online traffic, or changing project requirements. This scalability ensures you’re never held back by technological constraints.

  • Robust security and compliance

    Security is paramount in today’s digital age. AWS offers industry-leading security measures and compliance standards to protect your data and operations. From data encryption to identity and access management, AWS provides the tools and practices to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your critical information.

  • Cost-efficiency and flexibility

    AWS empowers you to optimize costs while maximizing resources. With pay-as-you-go pricing and the ability to scale resources up or down based on your needs, you can enjoy significant cost savings. It’s a cost-efficient solution that aligns with your business’s financial goals.

  • Innovation at your fingertips

    Innovation is a driving force behind progress, and AWS provides the tools and environment to foster it. Explore the latest AWS technologies, build cutting-edge solutions, and stay ahead of the competition. With AWS, your business is positioned at the forefront of innovation.

  • Global reach and reliability

    AWS operates a vast network of data centers across the globe, ensuring high availability and reliability. You can deploy your applications and services close to your users, reducing latency and enhancing the user experience.

  • Exceptional support and ecosystem

    With a thriving community of developers, partners, and a range of support options, AWS offers the support you need to succeed. Whether you require expert assistance or want to tap into a network of AWS users, the AWS ecosystem is a valuable resource.

  • Environmental responsibility

    AWS is committed to environmental responsibility by using sustainable practices and powering its data centers with renewable energy. By choosing AWS, you contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.

Liz Flyntz from DOOR3 UX Team

Why choose DOOR3 for your AWS development services 

  • Client-centric solutions

    Our AWS development services are built with a deep focus on your specific business processes and future goals. We take the time to understand your unique needs, ensuring that our services are client-focused. Your business objectives are aptly defined and aligned with our AWS solutions, fostering a collaborative partnership that drives success.

  • Cost-effective engagement models

    As your AWS development company, DOOR3 offers flexible engagement models with competitive pricing. Business enterprises can easily scale their AWS development projects up or down to adapt to changing business requirements. Our cost-effective approach ensures that you get the most value from your investments.

  • Dedicated team for precision

    Our highly dedicated team of experts is committed to working exclusively on individual projects, guaranteeing unmatched precision and undivided attention when providing state-of-the-art AWS development services. This approach ensures that your project receives the dedicated expertise it deserves.

  • Flexible team structure for seamless collaboration

    DOOR3 excels in managing time zone differences, providing a robust and high-functional team that is solely focused on achieving your business goals. We allocate resources in a scalable manner, adapting to the unique needs of your AWS development project.

  • Transparency and effective communication

    We understand the importance of clear and transparent communication throughout the project lifecycle. DOOR3 appoints dedicated Project Managers who serve as the single point of contact, mediators, and task allocators between all stakeholders. This ensures a smooth communication process, keeping you informed at every step of the project.

  • Consulting and integration expertise

    At DOOR3, we pride ourselves on our team of experts responsible for our AWS development services who excel in consulting and integration. Our professionals possess a keen understanding of potential roadblocks and challenges in your journey to the cloud. We provide comprehensive consulting to identify tech-gaps and seamlessly integrate cloud solutions that align with your business objectives.

  • Proven track record of success

    Success speaks for itself, and our track record is a testament to our commitment to delivering results in our AWS development services. We’ve helped numerous businesses achieve their AWS-related goals, from scalability and security to innovation and cost-efficiency.


"They’re so good at collaborating, and they’re just a nice group to work with."

Senior Director of Integrated Fundraising, Nonprofit

Your AWS development services streamlined: our 5-step process for success

  • 1

    Discover and define

    We begin our AWS development services by understanding your business inside and out. During this phase, we explore your unique needs, challenges, and objectives. We collaborate closely with your team to define clear goals for our AWS development services that align with your vision.

  • 2

    Design and architect

    In the design and architecture phase, our AWS experts craft a tailored blueprint for your AWS solution. We take your defined goals and translate them into a robust, scalable, and secure cloud architecture. This is where we build the foundation for your future success.

  • 3

    Develop and implement

    With the architecture in place, we roll up our sleeves and start developing your AWS solution. Our team of AWS development services experts utilizes best practices to bring your vision to life, ensuring seamless integration, top-tier security, and optimal performance. The implementation is carried out with precision.

  • 4

    Test and optimize

    Before deployment, rigorous testing takes place. We leave no stone unturned in ensuring that our AWS development services meet high-quality standards. Any potential issues are addressed, and the solution is optimized for peak performance and efficiency.

  • 5

    Deploy and support

    The final step involves deploying your AWS solution. We orchestrate a smooth transition to the cloud environment. Even after deployment, our support doesn’t end. We provide ongoing support, maintenance, and monitoring to ensure your AWS solution remains secure, efficient, and aligned with your evolving business needs.

Elevate your business with our comprehensive AWS development services 

  • AWS consulting and strategy

    • Comprehensive AWS assessments and roadmap development.
    • Customized cloud strategies that align with your goals as a business.
    • Identifying tech-gaps and providing clear action plans.
    • Cost-saving opportunities and efficiency improvements.
  • Cloud architecture and design

    • Customized cloud architecture and planning.
    • Scalable infrastructure design to accommodate future growth.
    • Robust security-focused architecture.
    • Integration with AWS services such as EC2, S3, and Lambda
  • AWS application development

    • Development of cloud-native applications using AWS tools.
    • Microservices and serverless application design.
    • Creation of user-friendly interfaces with responsive design.
    • Integration with AWS databases and storage solutions.
  • AWS migration and integration

    • Assessment of existing infrastructure for cloud migration readiness.
    • Safe and efficient data migration to AWS.
    • Seamless integration with on-premises systems or third-party services.
    • Minimal downtime and data loss during migration.
  • Cloud security and compliance

    • Identity and access management (IAM) setup.
    • Data encryption and protection.
    • Compliance with industry standards and regulations.
    • Continuous monitoring for security threats and vulnerabilities.
  • AWS devOps and automation

    • Creation of CI/CD pipelines for efficient development and deployment.
    • Implementation of infrastructure as code (IaC).
    • Automated testing and quality assurance.
    • Resource provisioning and management automation.
  • Continuous monitoring and support

    • Monitoring of AWS development services and infrastructure.
    • Rapid issue detection and resolution.
    • Performance optimization and resource scaling.
    • Regular updates and patch management.
  • Cost optimization and management

    • Analysis of AWS billing and usage to identify cost-saving opportunities.
    • Implementation of budgeting and cost control measures.
    • Recommendation of reserved instances and spot instances.
    • Regular cost analysis and optimization adjustments.
  • Innovation and future-proofing

    • Exploration of emerging AWS technologies and trends.
    • Development of innovative solutions to stay competitive.
    • Creation of scalable and adaptable architectures for future growth.
    • Proactive updates to maintain compatibility with evolving AWS services.
  • AWS data services

    • Data storage options utilizing AWS S3 and RDS.
    • Advanced data analytics and insights with AWS Redshift.
    • Data migration and integration services for seamless data flow.
    • Data warehousing and data lake architecture design.
  • AWS serverless development

    • Serverless application development with AWS Lambda for cost-efficient and scalable solutions.
    • Event-driven architectures for real-time processing.
    • Integration with AWS API Gateway for RESTful APIs.
    • Expertise in AWS Step Functions for workflow automation.
  • Security and compliance services

    • Identity and Access Management (IAM) implementation for robust security.
    • Data encryption using AWS KMS at rest and in transit.
    • Compliance assessments and adherence to industry-specific regulations.
    • Security incident monitoring and response services.
  • Cost optimization and management

    • AWS billing and cost analysis to identify optimization opportunities.
    • Cost-effective resource provisioning, including Reserved Instances.
    • Continuous cost monitoring and optimization adjustments.
    • Budgeting and cost control measures for financial efficiency.
  • AWS training and workshops

    • Tailored AWS training for your team’s specific needs.
    • AWS best practices workshops to improve skillsets.
    • Guidance and knowledge transfer for self-sufficiency.
    • Assistance with AWS certification preparation.
  • DevOps and continuous integration/Continuous deployment (CI/CD)

    • CI/CD pipeline setup using AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild.
    • Automation of software delivery processes.
    • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) using AWS CloudFormation.
    • Monitoring and alerts with AWS CloudWatch for efficient DevOps operations.
Need more help?
  • Customized Solutions to Drive Success
    Discover the Possibilities with a Free Quote
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A showcase of our collaborations in AWS development services

  • AIG
  • Pepsico
  • Ansell
  • Blue Voyant
  • Guy Carpenter
  • COTY
  • Munich
  • Elsevier
  • First-mid
  • johnson and johnson
  • Queens Public
  • Doctors without Borders

Navigating the cloud maze: DOOR3's expertise in overcoming challenges as an AWS Development company

  • Navigating the complexities of AWS app development services can often feel like maneuvering through a maze. As businesses strive to harness the power of the cloud, they are met with a myriad of challenges that require specialized expertise. Enter DOOR3, an award-winning technology consultancy and software development firm headquartered in New York City. With a rich history dating back to 2002, DOOR3 has emerged as a beacon of guidance for businesses seeking to leverage the cloud’s potential.

  • A legacy of excellence

    DOOR3’s journey began before the era of smartphones. Over the years, we have witnessed the technological revolution and have been at the forefront of adapting to these changes. Our longevity in the industry is a testament to our commitment to delivering AWS app development services of lasting value. Our global team, rooted in New York City, brings together a diverse set of skills and expertise, ensuring that they remain at the cutting edge of technology.

  • Delivering on promises

    One of the hallmarks of DOOR3 is our unwavering commitment to delivering projects on time and within budget. This reliability has earned us the trust of both large enterprises and small non-profits. In a world where project delays and budget overruns are all too common, DOOR3 stands out as a beacon of dependability.

  • A holistic approach to AWS app development services

    DOOR3’s services extend beyond simple software development. We are dedicated to modernizing and evolving entire enterprises. Whether it’s a single business application or a complete organizational overhaul, DOOR3’s mission is to provide clients with expert guidance and build software that is vital to your operations. Our approach to software development is underscored by a peerless capacity to de-risk complex software projects.

  • User-centric design

    At the heart of DOOR3’s philosophy is a deep understanding of the end-user. This commitment to user experience is built on a foundation of research and expertise. Whether your AWS solution is intended for employees or customers, DOOR3’s goal is to enhance daily interactions, making every process smoother and more intuitive.

  • Diverse industry expertise

    DOOR3’s prowess is not limited to a single industry. We have showcased our expertise across various sectors, including financial services, insurance, legal, construction, startups, non-profits, and retail. This wide-ranging experience allows us to bring unique insights and solutions tailored to each industry’s specific challenges.


An AWS development company empowering excellence across diverse industries

  • Financial sector

    Unlock the future of finance with DOOR3 as your AWS development company. Benefit from tailored solutions, advanced analytics, and unparalleled data protection. Let our AWS cloud application development services be the backbone of your financial innovations, meeting stringent regulatory requirements and propelling you ahead of the competition.

  • Legal industry

    Embrace a platform tailored to the unique needs of the legal profession, from secure document storage to advanced case management tools. With our AWS application development services, you’re not just adopting technology; you’re investing in a partner that understands the intricacies of the legal landscape. Let DOOR3 as your AWS development company empower your legal endeavors.

  • Insurance sector

    Revolutionize your insurance operations with our AWS cloud application development services. In a sector where data accuracy and swift claim processing are key, AWS provides unparalleled data management and real-time analytics, assisting you with everything from fraud detection to policy optimization. With DOOR3 providing your AWS development services solutions, you’re not just integrating technology; you’re aligning with a partner that comprehends the complexities of insurance.

  • Startups

    In the fast-paced world of startups, agility and scalability are essential. AWS offers a flexible platform that grows with you, ensuring you have the resources you need without the overheads. Dive into a suite of tools tailored for startups, from rapid deployment to advanced analytics. Is your startup mobile focused? No problem, when you utilize DOOR3’s AWS mobile app development services, you’re not just leveraging technology; you’re gaining a partner committed to your vision. Let us be the partner that brings your startup to new heights.

  • Non-profit organizations

    DOOR3 offers cost-effective AWS development services solutions that maximize your impact. Ensure every dollar is stretched further, from donor management to outreach campaigns. Amplify your cause with DOOR3 and capitalize on our powerful AWS app development services.

  • Construction industry

    Strong foundations aren’t just for worksites. In construction, precision and timely execution are crucial. Utilize our AWS development services solutions for project management, real-time collaboration, and data-driven decision-making. Ensure every project is streamlined, efficient, and ahead of schedule with DOOR3 AWS cloud application development services.

  • Retail industry

    From inventory management to customer insights DOOR3 can bring your AWS dreams to life. Use our AWS mobile app development services to expand your retail capability, or build out your next cloud database to seamlessly manage inventory. Let our AWS cloud application development services be the driving force behind your retail revolution.

Unlocking value: Deliverables of our AWS development services

  • Scalable infrastructure

    • Custom-designed cloud architectures that adapt to your business’s growth.
    • Scalable infrastructure for increased performance and reliability.
    • Infrastructure optimization for cost-efficiency.
  • Innovative applications

    • Development of cloud-native, innovative applications using AWS tools.
    • Microservices and serverless application design for flexibility.
    • Responsive design and user-friendly interfaces.
  • Enhanced security

    • Robust measures for security, including identity and access management (IAM).
    • Data encryption and protection at rest and in transit.
    • Compliance with industry standards and continuous monitoring for threats.
  • Streamlined operations

    • Efficient DevOps practices, including CI/CD pipeline setup.
    • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) implementation for automation.
    • Automated testing, quality assurance, and resource management.
  • Cost optimization

    • AWS billing and usage analysis to identify cost-saving opportunities.
    • Implementation of budgeting and cost control measures.
    • Recommendations for cost-effective instance types and pricing models.
  • Custom-tailored solutions

    • AWS cloud application development services specifically tailored to meet your business’s unique needs.
    • Industry-specific solutions for compliance and operational efficiency.
    • Innovative approaches that exceed your expectations.
  • Continuous support and monitoring

    • Monitoring of AWS development services solutions and infrastructure.
    • Rapid issue detection and resolution to minimize downtime.
    • Performance optimization, regular updates, and patch management.
  • Proactive innovation

    • Exploration of emerging AWS technologies and trends.
    • Development of innovative solutions to maintain competitiveness.
    • Scalable and adaptable architectures for future growth.

Empowering success with our elite AWS development team

At DOOR3, our AWS application development services team is not just a team; it’s a force of innovation and expertise. We’ve curated a group of professionals who thrive in the dynamic AWS ecosystem. Their deep knowledge, innovative problem-solving, and commitment to excellence make them a force to be reckoned with. With our elite team by your side, your AWS projects are not just successful; they’re transformative.

  •  Dima Kushch

    Dima Kushch

    Engineering Practice Lead

  •  Dmytro Onypko

    Dmytro Onypko

    DevOps Practice Lead

Quick facts about DOOR3

Key Insights into DOOR3’s AWS application development services

  • +

    years in business

  • +

    successful projects

  • +

    driven and talented professionals

Your questions answered

What are AWS development services, and how can it benefit my business?

AWS development services most commonly refer to the creation of applications, systems, and solutions using Amazon Web Services. It offers scalability, security, and innovation, enabling businesses to improve their operations, reduce costs, and stay competitive in the digital age.

Why should I choose DOOR3 for AWS development services?

Choosing AWS for your cloud software development needs offers a multitude of advantages. AWS, as a leading cloud service provider, boasts a comprehensive suite of tools and services tailored for diverse development requirements. Its global infrastructure ensures reduced latency, high availability, and resilience, making it a preferred choice for many enterprises worldwide. Furthermore, AWS’s pay-as-you-go pricing model provides cost efficiency, allowing you to pay only for the services you use without any upfront costs. The platform also prioritizes security, offering robust data encryption, network firewalls, and compliance with various international standards. Additionally, AWS’s continuous innovation, extensive documentation, and dedicated support make the development journey smoother and more efficient.

What industries do you serve with your AWS development services?

Our AWS development services are compatible with businesses across various industries, including e-commerce,healthcare, finance, education, gaming, and more. Our expertise is adaptable to meet the unique needs of different sectors.

What steps are involved in your AWS development services?

Our AWS development process includes Discovery and Definition, Design and Architecture, Development and Implementation, Testing and Optimization, and Deployment and Support. Each step is carefully executed to ensure the success of your project.

Can DOOR3 use AWS for mobile app development?

Yes. At DOOR3, our expertise extends into our AWS mobile app development services, and we recognize the power and flexibility that AWS brings to this domain. AWS offers a comprehensive suite of tools tailored for mobile application development, ensuring scalability, security, and seamless user experiences. Our team at DOOR3 is adept at harnessing these AWS services, ensuring that your mobile applications not only meets but exceeds expectations. Whether you’re looking to build a new mobile app from scratch or enhance an existing one, our collaboration with AWS ensures that we deliver solutions that are both cutting-edge and of lasting value.

What programming languages does AWS support?

AWS supports a wide array of programming languages, catering to diverse development needs. Some of the prominent languages supported include Java, Python, PHP, Node.js, Ruby, C#, and Go. This extensive language support ensures that developers, whether they’re working on web applications, backend services, or providing AWS mobile app development services, can utilize their preferred language while benefiting from the robust infrastructure and services that AWS offers. The platform’s flexibility in language support underscores its commitment to accommodating a broad spectrum of developers and applications.

How do you ensure the security of AWS applications and data?

Security is a top priority. We implement robust security measures in our AWS development services, including identity and access management, data encryption, and compliance standards. We continuously monitor for security threats and vulnerabilities.

Do you provide training or workshops for AWS users and teams?

Yes, we offer AWS training and workshops to help businesses and their teams make the most of our AWS development services. We can tailor our training to your specific needs and goals.

Can I integrate third-party tools with AWS?

Yes, AWS is designed with flexibility and interoperability in mind, allowing users to seamlessly integrate a wide range of third-party tools and applications. Whether you’re looking to incorporate data analytics tools, DevOps automation platforms, or specialized software solutions, AWS provides various APIs, SDKs, and integration services to facilitate these integrations. This capability ensures that businesses can maintain their existing workflows, tools, and systems while leveraging the power and scalability of AWS. The platform’s commitment to compatibility not only reduces the friction of migration but also empowers users to create a hybrid environment that combines the best of AWS and their preferred third-party solutions.

How do you handle cost optimization for AWS projects?

We conduct AWS billing and cost analyses to identify optimization opportunities. Our experts recommend budgeting and cost control measures, including the use of Reserved Instances for cost-efficiency.

Can you assist with legacy system migration to AWS?

Absolutely. At DOOR3, we pride ourselves on our extensive experience in modernizing technology and evolving enterprises. Whether you’re looking to migrate a single business application or an entire organizational system to AWS, our team is equipped to guide you through the process. Our AWS development services ensure a smooth transition from your previous legacy system. One of our key areas of expertise, as highlighted on our website, is “Modernizing Legacy Systems.” This showcases our commitment to helping businesses transition from outdated systems to more efficient and scalable cloud solutions like AWS. Our approach is rooted in expert guidance, ensuring that your legacy system migration to AWS is not only seamless but also adds lasting value to your organization.

Do you provide ongoing support and maintenance for AWS development services?

Yes, we do offer support and maintenance for our AWS development services. This includes monitoring, rapid issue resolution, performance optimization, and regular updates to ensure that your AWS solution remains efficient and secure.

How do I get started with DOOR3 for AWS development services?

To begin your journey with DOOR3 as your AWS development company, simply reach out to our team, and we’ll set up an initial consultation to discuss your specific needs and goals. We’ll then tailor a plan to meet your objectives and guide you through the AWS development process.

Ready to begin your next AWS project?