
Azure development services to fit your specific requirements


At DOOR3, we are dedicated to harnessing the transformative power of Microsoft's cloud platform with our Azure development services. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, Azure has emerged as a driving force for enterprise and hybrid infrastructure. Renowned for its scalability, seamless transitions, and cost-efficiency, Azure is trusted by industry leaders worldwide. As experts in Azure development services, we partner with Microsoft to amplify your online business with cutting-edge Azure solutions.

Our comprehensive suite of Azure development services covers optimization, migration, modernization, and deployment, tailored to your specific industry requirements. With over 20+ years of experience, our team of Azure development services experts is well-versed in addressing the unique challenges businesses face. We've built a reputation as Azure Cloud Solution leaders, known for innovative solutions that push the boundaries of what's possible.

Discover the transformative potential of Azure with DOOR3. Our Azure app development services empower you to swiftly and collaboratively develop highly secure, innovative applications. Let us help you bring your visionary projects to life using Azure's capabilities.

Unlocking Azure's enterprise benefits: empowering your business transformation

  • Scalability

    With Azure, your enterprise can easily scale resources up or down as your business needs evolve. This means you can handle rapid growth, sudden surges in demand, or seasonal variations without the need for significant infrastructure changes. Azure’s elasticity ensures your applications remain responsive and cost-efficient.

  • Flexibility

    Azure’s flexibility is a key advantage. It allows your enterprise to adapt to changing requirements quickly. Whether you’re expanding your services, launching new products, or pivoting in response to market dynamics, Azure provides the tools and resources to remain agile and responsive to your evolving business landscape.

  • Cost efficiency

    Azure offers a cost-efficient approach to IT infrastructure. It optimizes resource usage, which translates to lower operational expenses. By paying only for what you use and taking advantage of Azure’s scalability, your enterprise can achieve cost savings while maintaining top-tier performance and reliability.

  • Security

    Security is a top priority with Azure. It provides robust security measures and compliance features to safeguard your data and applications. With Azure, you can ensure data encryption, access controls, threat detection, and compliance with industry-specific regulations, giving your enterprise peace of mind when it comes to data protection.

  • Performance

    Azure’s high-performance services are designed to enhance application speed and reliability. Your enterprise can deliver top-quality user experiences, whether you’re hosting a website, running applications, or processing data-intensive workloads. With Azure, you can meet the demands of today’s digital consumers.

  • Innovation

    Azure is at the forefront of innovation, offering a wide array of features and tools that enable your enterprise to stay competitive. From Internet of Things (IoT) to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, Azure provides the means to explore cutting-edge technologies and drive your business’s technological advancements.

  • Data management

    Azure offers a comprehensive set of data services, including databases, analytics, and machine learning tools, to help your enterprise make informed, data-driven decisions. You can unlock valuable insights from your data, enabling you to improve operations and enhance customer experiences.

  • Global reach

    Azure’s extensive network of data centers worldwide allows your enterprise to reach a global audience with ease. This global presence ensures low-latency connections and high availability, regardless of your target market or user base location.

  • Integration

    Azure services are designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and technologies. This means you can streamline your operations, improve workflows, and facilitate data sharing across the organization, ultimately enhancing productivity and efficiency.

  • Compliance

    Azure is built with compliance in mind, offering solutions that adhere to various industry regulations and standards. Your enterprise can confidently meet regulatory requirements without incurring the burden of compliance management, allowing you to focus on your core business objectives.

  • Business continuity

    Azure’s disaster recovery and backup solutions ensure your enterprise remains resilient in the face of unexpected disruptions. Your data and applications are safeguarded, and you can recover quickly in the event of system failures, data loss, or other unforeseen challenges.

  • Support and expertise

    Azure provides access to a wealth of support and expertise. Whether you require guidance, troubleshooting, or best practices, Azure experts are available to assist your enterprise in harnessing the full potential of Azure services.

  • Sustainability

    Azure prioritizes environmentally responsible practices and services. By incorporating Azure into your enterprise’s operations, you can contribute to long-term sustainability and corporate responsibility goals, aligning your organization with responsible business practices.

Elevating business potential

Why choose DOOR3 for your Azure development services 

  • Strong Azure platform

    As an Azure development company, we offer a robust and reliable Azure platform that serves as the foundation for your project’s success. With Azure, you’ll benefit from high availability, scalability, and top-tier performance, ensuring your solutions meet the demands of your enterprise.

  • Expertise

    Our team comprises certified experts in Azure development services, IoT, analytics, and mobile. With a deep well of knowledge and experience in these domains, we’re well-equipped to guide your project towards excellence. We bring to the table the insights and best practices that come from a history of successful Azure projects.

  • Proven track record

    With a track record of delivering over top tier Azure development services across the globe, DOOR3 has earned a reputation for excellence. Our portfolio showcases a diverse range of projects, each tailored to meet the unique requirements of our clients. Your project will benefit from our vast experience and expertise.

  • Simple pricing

    We believe in transparent and straightforward pricing. At DOOR3, you’ll find pricing models that are easy to understand and align with your budget. No hidden fees, no surprises. We offer flexible engagement models that ensure you get the services you need without unnecessary complications.

  • Agile & lean philosophy

    Our approach is rooted in agile and lean principles, allowing us to deliver results quickly and efficiently. We work towards achieving your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) in just 12 weeks, breaking the project down into discovery, proof of concept, sprints, QA testing, and final delivery. This approach minimizes risk and maximizes your project’s success.

  • Secure development

    Security is a priority at DOOR3. Your data and applications are in safe hands with our team. We take a comprehensive approach to keeping our Azure development services secure, implementing the latest security protocols and measures to protect your assets and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data.

  • Accelerated solutions

    Our team leverages an accelerator-based approach, providing you with ready-to-use intellectual properties (IPs) and frameworks. This accelerates the development process, saving you time and resources while ensuring the quality and reliability of your solutions.

  • Discovery to delivery

    Our approach to Azure development services covers the entire project lifecycle, from discovery to proof of concept, through sprints and QA testing, culminating in final delivery. Each stage is meticulously planned and executed, ensuring a smooth and efficient development process.

  • Cutting-edge technologies

    In a rapidly evolving tech landscape, we ensure your enterprise remains at the forefront of innovation. Our fast turnaround time and on-time delivery of solutions keep you ahead of the curve, allowing you to capitalize on the latest technologies to stay competitive.

  • Transparent communication

    We prioritize open and transparent communication. You’ll be kept informed at every step of the way, ensuring that your project is on track and aligns with your vision. Our open channels of communication foster collaboration and trust throughout the project lifecycle.

  • Dedication to excellence

    Our team is dedicated to excellence, continuously striving to improve and excel in every aspect of our work. We are committed to delivering solutions that surpass expectations as your Azure development company.

  • Tailored engagement

    We understand that every project is unique. Our flexible engagement models allow us to adapt to your specific project requirements, ensuring that we meet your objectives while providing you with the right level of service and support.

  • Client-centric approach

    Your success is our primary goal. We put your business’s growth and prosperity at the center of everything we do. Our client-centric approach means your satisfaction is our ultimate measure of success.

  • Continuous improvement

    DOOR3 is an Azure development company driven by a culture of learning and improvement. We stay at the cutting edge of technology and business practices to ensure that your projects are consistently met with the best and latest solutions.

  • Fast turnaround time

    We understand the value of time in today’s competitive landscape. DOOR3’s commitment to delivering on time, every time, ensures that your business can capitalize on opportunities quickly and efficiently.

  • Personalized solutions

    Every enterprise faces unique challenges and opportunities. At DOOR3, we craft custom solutions tailored to address your specific requirements. Your project will receive the individualized attention it deserves, ensuring it aligns with your business goals.

Why choose DOOR3 for your mobile development

"I’ve received unbelievable, personalized service and attention."

Digital Gift Card Platform

Navigating the journey of Azure software  development services: our proven 5-step roadmap for success

  • 1

    Discovery & assessment

    We begin by investigating your business goals and objectives. This step involves a comprehensive assessment of your existing infrastructure, applications, and processes to determine the best Azure solutions for your unique needs.

  • 2

    Planning & strategy

    With a clear understanding of your goals, we craft a detailed plan and strategy. Our team designs a roadmap that outlines the Azure development services, architecture, and technologies that will be deployed, ensuring alignment with your business’s vision.

  • 3

    Development & integration

    Our experts get to work, building and integrating our Azure web development services into your environment. This phase is characterized by collaborative development, integration, and rigorous testing to ensure that the final product aligns with your vision and requirements.

  • 4

    Deployment & optimization

    Once the solutions under our Azure application development services are deployed, we continually monitor and optimize their performance. We ensure that your Azure applications and services run smoothly, with a focus on scalability, security, and cost-effectiveness.

  • 5

    Support & growth

    Our commitment doesn’t end with deployment. We provide ongoing support, maintenance, and assistance as your business grows and evolves. Whether it’s troubleshooting, scaling up, or exploring new Azure features, we’re by your side every step of the way.

Empower your business with DOOR3's Azure development services

  • Low code Azure application development

    Our low-code Azure application development services empower you to build line-of-business apps quickly and cost-effectively. Leveraging Power Apps and Azure, we streamline the development process, reducing the need for extensive coding. With out-of-the-box connectors, pre-built solutions, and an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, we automate business processes seamlessly. Plus, Azure services like Azure API Management and Azure Functions provide the scalability and flexibility to adapt to changing business needs.

  • Azure web application development

    Navigating web application development on Azure requires expertise. Our skilled Microsoft Azure developers take the reins, ensuring your project is built and deployed with precision. We offer flexibility in language and framework choices, tailoring our Azure web development services to match your unique requirements.

  • Modernize legacy apps on Azure

    Transform your legacy ASP.NET applications into modern, resource-efficient solutions. Our experts in Azure software development services specialize in re-architecting legacy apps to enhance their robustness and compatibility with modern backend databases, including MS SQL and Azure SQL. By modernizing your legacy software, we improve integration with the latest technology applications, making them more agile and cost-efficient.

  • Line-of-business (LOB) app development on Azure

    Rapidly create modern LOB apps with Power Apps and Azure, reducing development costs and time. Our Azure development services offer out-of-the-box connectors, pre-built solutions, and simplified workflows. Additionally, Azure API Management and Azure Functions enable you to scale and extend your apps, ensuring you can adapt swiftly to evolving business needs.

  • Cloud-native Azure development

    Cloud-native architecture is the future of business. At DOOR3, we embrace agility, CI/CD, microservices, and automation in our Azure software development services. By combining .NET Core with Azure DevOps, we create cloud-native applications that offer flexibility, scalability, and agility. Azure’s container-driven delivery and microservices architecture ensure you’re prepared for the next era of digital transformation.

  • Azure consulting services

    Our experienced team offers comprehensive consulting in our Azure development services. We manage and monitor your cloud infrastructure, ensuring smooth operations. Our services include patching updates, architecture design, configuration management, disaster recovery planning, and data backup to safeguard your assets.

  • Azure for big data analytics

    In a data-driven world, Azure for Big Data Analytics is your key to gaining a competitive edge. We help you collect and analyze vast datasets in real-time, turning them into actionable insights that guide your business strategy.

  • Azure enterprise mobility

    Stay ahead of the curve with Azure Enterprise Mobility Services. Microsoft continuously enhances its offerings, ensuring your organization remains current and competitive.

  • Cloud migration consulting

    Migrating to the cloud is a game-changer. Cloud computing offers unprecedented flexibility, and our consulting services help you organize your IT resources and business applications efficiently.

  • Azure hybrid cloud infrastructure

    Microsoft Azure’s hybrid cloud infrastructure seamlessly combines public, private, and hybrid cloud features. Our experts set up site-to-site VPN connections, ensuring a smooth, integrated network that spans on-premise and Azure-hosted resources.

  • Azure cloud automation

    Simplify and streamline your processes with Azure Cloud Automation. We help you optimize and expand your existing investments, enhancing integration, organization, and automation with the right set of tools.

  • Migration services

    Microsoft Azure is unique in offering both IaaS and PaaS, providing a straightforward path to the cloud. Our migration services simplify the transition, allowing you to focus on upgrading and enhancing your applications.

  • Azure storage and disaster recovery

    Protect your mission-critical applications with Azure storage and disaster recovery. Our services ensure the reliability and flexibility of your critical systems, providing peace of mind in the face of unexpected disruptions.

  • Azure application migration

    Migrating to Azure doesn’t have to be complex. Our unique approach simplifies the migration process, allowing you to concentrate on enhancing your applications while we take care of the technical aspects.

 Our comprehensive range of mobile app development solutions in NYC 
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Azure development in action: Our collaborative success stories

  • AIG
  • Pepsico
  • Ansell
  • Blue Voyant
  • Guy Carpenter
  • COTY
  • Munich
  • Elsevier
  • First-mid
  • johnson and johnson
  • Queens Public
  • Doctors without Borders

Fueling your success with a diverse arsenal of Azure development services

  • Azure functions

    Our journey begins with Azure Functions, which enable us to automate workflows with event-driven, serverless computing. These lightweight, efficient functions respond to events, making your applications more responsive and scalable. Whether you’re handling user interactions or processing data, Azure Functions streamline the process, allowing us to focus on building remarkable applications.

  • Azure notification hubs

    In the era of real-time communication, Azure Notification Hubs serve as our trusty messengers. These hubs efficiently deliver push notifications to various platforms, keeping your audience engaged and informed. Be it a breaking news update or a special offer notification, Azure Notification Hubs ensure your message reaches the right people at the right time.

  • Azure logic apps

    Here, we dive into the world of automation and integration. Azure Logic Apps empower us to create low-code workflows that seamlessly connect different applications and services. These workflows automate repetitive tasks and enable your systems to work harmoniously. By simplifying complex processes, we enhance efficiency, reduce errors, and provide a more streamlined user experience.

  • Azure web apps

    Web and mobile application deployment becomes a breeze with our Azure app development services. Our developers choose the language and framework that best suits your project, allowing us to rapidly create and deploy web applications tailored to your unique requirements. Azure Web Apps ensure your applications run smoothly, scaling as needed to accommodate your growing user base.

  • Azure SQL database

    The foundation of robust data management, Azure SQL Database offers reliability and security. This powerful service underpins our data-driven applications, ensuring they can handle complex data operations while remaining protected against security threats. Azure SQL Database is the bedrock of your data-driven solutions.

 Tailored mobile app development solutions

Catalyzing industry excellence with Azure development services

  • Finance

    Elevate your financial operations with secure, scalable, and compliant solutions with our Azure development services. Ensure data integrity, streamline transactions, and meet industry regulations confidently.

  • Manufacturing

    Revolutionize your manufacturing processes with Azure-powered IoT and automation. Achieve real-time visibility, predictive maintenance, and enhanced productivity on the factory floor.

  • Retail

    Stay competitive in the retail landscape with Azure applications that improve inventory management, customer engagement, and data-driven decision-making.

  • Education

    Transform education with Azure-based e-learning solutions that offer seamless access, personalized content, and data-driven insights for educators and students.

  • Insurance

    Empower the insurance industry with solutions from our Azure development services that facilitate policy management, claims processing, and data analytics for risk assessment.

  • Legal

    Modernize legal operations with Azure applications designed to enhance document management, case analysis, and secure data sharing.

  • Construction

    Streamline construction processes with Azure-powered project management, resource allocation, and on-site data collection for improved efficiency and project outcomes.

  • Non-profit

    Amplify your non-profit organization’s impact with Azure solutions that streamline fundraising, donor management, and program evaluation for a greater social reach.

  • Startup

    Fuel the growth of your startup with our agile Azure development services. From MVP creation to scalability, we provide the technology backbone for your entrepreneurial journey.

  • Healthcare

    Empower healthcare providers with innovative Azure applications that enhance patient care, streamline processes, and safeguard sensitive medical data.

Unlocking value: deliverables of our Azure development services

  • Custom Azure solutions

    Tailored Azure applications designed to meet your unique business needs and goals. From e-commerce platforms to data analytics tools, we craft custom solutions that empower your business.

  • Scalable architecture

    Our Azure development services ensure that your applications are built with scalability in mind. You can confidently handle increasing loads, adapt to changing user demands, and expand your business without limitations.

  • Data security

    We prioritize data security by implementing robust measures to safeguard your sensitive information. With Azure, we provide a secure environment that complies with industry standards and regulations.

  • Integration services

    Seamlessly connect your Azure applications with other systems, services, or third-party applications, ensuring efficient data flow and enhanced functionality.

  • User-centric experiences

    We focus on delivering user-centric applications that offer an exceptional experience. Your customers and end-users will enjoy easy navigation, responsive design, and high performance.

  • Efficient resource management

    Our Azure development services include resource management to optimize your infrastructure, reduce costs, and enhance the overall efficiency of your operations.

  • Regular updates and maintenance

    We provide ongoing support, maintenance, and updates to keep your Azure applications running smoothly and ensuring they remain up to date with the latest features and security patches.

  • Analytics and insights

    Leverage the power of data with Azure’s analytics and reporting capabilities. Gain actionable insights into your operations, customer behavior, and market trends to make informed decisions.

  • Agile development process

    Our development process is agile, enabling rapid development, testing, and deployment. This approach ensures faster time-to-market and adaptability to changing requirements.

  • Training and support

    We offer training and support to your team to ensure they can effectively manage and utilize the Azure applications we develop for you.

  • Project documentation

    Comprehensive documentation of the entire project, including architecture, code, and configurations, to provide transparency and facilitate future development or troubleshooting.

  • Cost-efficiency

    We aim to deliver Azure solutions that are cost-efficient, ensuring you get the most value for your investment.


Empowering success with our premier Azure development services team

At DOOR3, our Azure Development services team is more than just a team; it’s a powerhouse of innovation and expertise. We’ve assembled a group of professionals who excel in the dynamic Azure environment. Their profound understanding, inventive problem-solving, and unwavering commitment to excellence set them apart. With our exceptional team supporting you, your Azure projects aren’t just successful; they’re game-changing.

  •  Michael Montecuollo

    Michael Montecuollo

    Director of Principal Consulting

  •  Amy Lo

    Amy Lo

    Principal Consultant

Quick facts about DOOR3

Key Insights into DOOR3’s AWS application development services

  • +

    years in business

  • +

    successful projects

  • +

    driven and talented professionals

Your questions answered

What are Azure development services?

Azure Development Services encompass a range of solutions designed to create, deploy, and manage applications on Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform. This includes building web applications, mobile apps, and software tailored to your business needs.

What sets DOOR3’s Azure application development services apart?

Our Azure application development services focus on crafting customized applications for your unique requirements. These applications are designed to leverage the full power of the Azure cloud, offering scalability, security, and reliability.

How can Azure web development services benefit my business?

Azure Web Development Services are geared towards creating and maintaining web applications. They offer the advantage of seamless scalability, which means your web applications can grow as your business expands.

Why should I choose DOOR3’s Azure app development services?

DOOR3’s Azure app development services deliver versatile, platform-independent applications that are accessible from multiple devices. These apps can be tailored to serve a variety of purposes, from customer engagement to data analysis.

How do I select the right Azure development company?

When choosing an Azure development company, consider their expertise, track record, and the range of services they offer. Ensure they align with your business goals and have experience in your industry.

Can you explain the benefits of Azure software development services?

Azure software development services encompass creating software solutions using Azure’s powerful tools and infrastructure. The benefits include rapid development, cost-efficiency, scalability, and data security.

What industries can benefit from Azure development services?

Azure development services can benefit a wide range of industries, including finance, healthcare, e-commerce, manufacturing, retail, education, government, entertainment, energy, transportation, insurance, legal, construction, non-profit, and startups.

How can Azure development services improve my organization's operations?

Azure development services can enhance your organization’s operations by providing efficient, scalable, and secure applications. These applications help streamline processes, enhance data analysis, and improve user experiences.

What is the typical process for a project utilizing DOOR3’s Azure development services?

The process varies depending on your specific project. However, it often involves planning, development, testing, deployment, and ongoing maintenance. The key is to ensure your Azure solutions align with your business goals.

Are Azure development services cost-effective?

Azure development services can be cost-effective due to their scalability. You only pay for the resources you use, making it a cost-efficient solution, especially for growing businesses.

Can DOOR3 provide integration and migration support alongside your Azure development services?

Yes, we provide support for technology integration and migration, including Azure Integration and Migration Services. Our team is experienced in handling the complexities of migrating applications, data, and systems to the Azure cloud platform. Whether you are looking to transition your existing systems to Azure, integrate Azure services into your current technology stack, or need ongoing support for your Azure solutions, we have the expertise and resources to assist you throughout the process. Our goal is to ensure a smooth and successful transition to Azure while providing ongoing support to meet your specific business needs.

How much do DOOR3’s Azure development services cost?

The cost of Azure development services can vary widely depending on the scope and complexity of your project. We offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs. To get an accurate cost estimate, we recommend reaching out to our team for a consultation. We’ll work with you to understand your requirements and provide a detailed quote.

Ready to Harness the Power of DOOR3's Azure development services?